Referee assignments

Learn to use the referee assignator

Updated over a week ago

Referee assignments in tournaments

Let's have a look at the Assignments tool. To access it, go to "Manage"> "Assignments". We first find the filters that allow us to view the Federation matches that interest us.

Once the correct filters have been chosen, click on the blue "Apply Filters" button to display the matches that meet the selected criteria. In each match the "Referee Team" applied in this competition appears by default and, unless you have already made an appointment, the types of referee will appear empty.

You can decide the referees who will receive the assignment for that match. By clicking on the drop-down for each type of referee, you can see first the list of referees who do not have any incompatibility, then, in the same list, those who have a greater incompatibility appear.

Several icons are used to warn of incompatibilities. These icons appear next to the referee's name. Let's see examples of restrictions based on each of the incompatibilities that a referee may have when being appointed to a match:

We can check that this referee has all the icons that warn about the incompatibilities that he could have regarding the appointment. Let's understand the meaning of each one:

-Black: Referee's home is 317 kilometers from the match venue

-Blue: Referee has stipulated in his profile that he is not available for those dates

-Grey: The referee category or the position of referee is not compatible with that match.

-Red: There is a mismatch with one of the clubs. The referee also indicates the reason for this incompatibility.

-Yellow: The referee is appointed for another match at that time, or a nearby time, and may not be able to whistle the match.

In addition, if you leave the mouse over each icon, the system enriches the notice or restriction by including very useful information. For example, when it comes to the personal availability of the referee, it tells us the reason. Also,in the event that a match overlaps with another, it shows us which is the other match overlapping.

Once the appointments are finished, at the bottom of the page, click on "Save all" to save them. Referees will not have received the assignment yet, but we will have saved the work done to continue at a later time if necessary. It is also the previous and mandatory step so that they can be published.

When all the assignments are done and there will be no changes on them, click on "Publish assignments" in order to send all the referees an email with their match information and the chance of confirming their attendance or not for that match. This confirmation can also be made from the referees mobile App, from the referee account in LEVERADE´s web, or from the email received.

Referee assignments in events competitions

When you want to assign a referee in an event competition, you have to choose this competition and after that,

click on “Referees/Judges” button:

Click again in “Add referee” and fill the gaps with the information of the referee and his/her role in this competition.

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